1. Purpose

With Click2Call plugin, you can implement a click2call button in your website.

This helps you get in touch with your leads when they are looking for you. Once they submit their number, we initiate a call bridge connecting your agents with your potential customers.

These calls are free of cost for your customer 

  1. Getting Started

3.1 Initial Set-Up

  • Reach Kaleyra support to get Voice account.

3.2 Plugin Configuration

Follow the below steps to configure.

  • Login to your Voice account.

  • Click on User Plugins in the main menu and then select Click2call Widget.


Figure 1: User Plugins

  • Click on Config and select Add new configuration.


Figure 2: Add new configuration 

  • Activate the plugin by checking the status option

  • Provide a unique Title to the configuration.

  • Enter your agent mobile number in phone


Figure 3: configuration 

  • By default agent is called first and then the call is bridged with the customer. Checking the option Call the customer first? will reverse the process

  • Click on Save

  • Your configuration then lists under the click2call widget section of user plugins.


Figure 4: Edit/delete configuration

  • You can edit or delete your configuration from here.

  • Click on C:\Users\preethi.k\Desktop\screenshots\c2c5.png corresponding to the required click2call configuration to get reports on the calls made. Where phone in reports display the customer number


Figure 5: Reports

  • Click on C:\Users\preethi.k\Desktop\screenshots\c2c4.png to get the HTML code for click2call button that you need to implement in your website


Figure 6: c2c button code

  1. Process of implementation

  • Select User plugins in the main menu and click on click2call widget.

  • Click on Config. List of your click2call configuration is available.

  • Here click on GET WIDGET CODE.


Figure 7: get widget code

  • HTML code for 2 different styles of button is available. Copy the desired one and implement it in your website.


Figure 8: c2c button

  1. Working

Once your website is up and running customers will follow the below steps to connect to your agents

  • Customers click on click2call button in your website.


Figure 9: website c2c button

  • Customers enter their mobile number to which they would prefer to receive a call and click on call me.


Figure 10: customer mobile number

  • We then bridge a call between your agent and potential customers.