The client can create different kinds of campaigns by uploading the customer details through the excel or CSV file.

Campaign Creation:

  1. Title: Title of the campaign
  2. API Unique Name: Unique name of API
  3. Download Sample file: Download sample excel file, fill the file and upload
  4. CampaignType: Type of the campaign (Either outgoing or Incoming)
  5. Retries: Number of retries for each mobile number
  6. Caller ID: If the campaign is outgoing then the call will process through the selected caller id
  7. Agent Groups: Select agent groups that can run this campaign.
  8. Wrap-up time: Time gap between two calls.
  9. Start Date: Start date of the campaign.
  10. End Date: End Date of the campaign.

Welcome Message: Welcome message, which will be played as soon as the agent picks up the call. User can add a sound file as well

API Callback: Callback URL, which will be triggered after every call.

Sms Details: User can configure SMS, which will be triggered, after every call to the customer via configured sender id.

Agent Business Hours: User can select Business hours from Monday to Sunday. The campaign will be processed within these business hours only.

Campaign Restrictions: User can check the mentioned checkboxes to notify via mail or SMS when the campaign ends. Once the list is completed, the Campaign will turn to the inactive state.

Duplicate check: By selecting the listed options, the user can restrict the duplicate numbers in the list, or the user can accept the duplicate list. And Users can restrict the already processing numbers.


  1. Users can add N number of columns in the excel.

  2. The first column should be a mobile number.

  3. Users can add up to 5 numbers in the mobile number columns and must be separated by comma (,).

  4. If the user adds the multiple numbers, our system considers the first number as the primary number and the remaining numbers are secondary. If primary number is not reachable then our system will try to call the secondary numbers sequentially. The only connected number will be updated in the analytics.

  5. Agent Numbers should not be added in the excel.

  6. Only active agents can start the campaigns.

  7. Only agents, who all are associated with the selected agent groups can process the campaigns.

  8. Agents can process the campaigns within the selected dates and time ranges.

  9. If an agent is attached to two different campaigns, When he is trying to start the campaign from agent live view, the random campaign will be picked.

Campaign List:

1. Click On the new button to add a new campaign.

2.Toggle the Status column button to activate and inactivate the campaign

3. Actions: 

  1. Click on the first icon to edit the campaigns.

  2. Click on the second icon to copy the campaign.

  3. Click on the third icon to see the campaign call summary

4. Click on the fourth icon to see the campaign analytics. The Below screen will open.


I. Click on the Live report to download the campaign analytics report by applying the selected filters.

Analytics Filters: 

Campaign List Filters: 

How Agent Can Start the Campaign?

  1. When the user creates the campaign, An associated IVR will be created in the IVR Studio section with the Campaign name

  2. Click on the IVR STUDIO to check

  1. If it is an incoming campaign, Agent should call on the IVR number.

  2. The call will connect to the agent first, then the call will connect to the customer.

  3. If the customer disconnects the call, again call will connect to the next customer in the queue after selected wrap-up time.

  4. If it is an outgoing campaign, the agent has to click on the “Start calling” in the agent live view screen.

  1. For every call, one new tab will be opened to see the customer details, and to update the disposition and Notes for that call.

     2. The agent can click on the “End Call” button to take a break. And when an agent comes back, he has to click on “Start Campaign” to restart the campaign.