Agents are the sub-users to the underlying account with specific permissions assigned. Managers can create any number of agents and manage their details and permission under Manage Agents Section. Our agent list has been diligently built to give you complete access to the performance of agents. The following are the action terms you can apply to manage agents:
Add Agent Groups
Grant feature-wise permissions
Update agent details
View offline/ Online status
Log in as your agent
To efficiently manage agents, follow the steps below:
To view the “Agents” page, click on the main menu, and under ‘Others’, click on Agents.
To create a new agent, click on the icon. A pop-up window appears
Enter the first name, last name, the username of the agent. Set a password and confirm the same.
Enter the Email address and mobile number of the agent. A secondary number option is available.
You can add additional details that will help you identify and pull up agents' details in the "Details" section. These parameters work as Key-Value Pairs and can be used to associate the agents. For example, in the screenshot above, 2 key values have been entered for the agent, agentID, and Region, which can be specified in the APIs when the details are called in custom parameters.
Bulk upload to create new agents is also available.
Tick on ‘Active’ and ‘Is Online’ if the agent is an active part of the team. Once created, the agent can change the status to offline when he’s away.
To edit the details of the agent, click on
Agent group is a list of agents who belong to a team or perform a similar function. Read more about Agent Groups now
To login as a particular agent, click on icon
. Through this feature, you’ll get to see the permissions your agent has access to.
To grant permissions to an agent click on the icon. A pop-up window appears.
Tick on all the features your agent needs access to and untick the unnecessary features. Click ‘Save’ to wind up the process.