This call logs functionality is similar to the Summarized call logs mentioned here, but there are minute differences which are listed below:

  1. This is a more advanced and detailed version of the call logs mentioned here

  2. The call logs are categorized as per each leg involved in a call. This means that if two legs are involved in the same call, then two logs will be displayed on this page showing the system disposition of each leg. 

  3. So chances are, there can be multiple logs for the same call with perfect details with each leg.

Note: Call Logs will display the call history of the last 3 days. To avail data prior to that, You can navigate to the reports option to get the last 180 days.

To view call logs, follow the steps below:

  1. From the main menu, click on the ‘Call Logs’ option. 

  2. Upon clicking, you will find the Summarized and Detailed Call log option.

  3. Click on Detailed, the following page will open.

Filter the Data:

  1. You can filter the data with respect to Call-ID, call from/to, duration, date range, type of call or agent name, and Bridge number. You can also choose to view only the calls that have notes tagged to them.

Below are the details associated with each call record.

  1. TYPE: Specifies whether the call was incoming, outgoing, Click2Call, or missed.
  2. CALL TIME: Gives the date and time of call commencement
  3. CALL FROM: Specifies which number had initiated the call
  4. CALL TO: Specifies to which number the call was made 
  5. BILL SEC: This shows the duration of the second leg. ie the second that would be billed for
  6. CREDITS: Specifies the number of credits deducted for a particular call
  7. DURATION: Specifies the total duration of the call. First leg inclusive.
  8. PROVIDER: Specifies the provider of the incoming call.
  9. LOCATION: Specifies the location of the incoming call.
  10. STATUS: Gives us the status of the call. The different call statuses are tabulated below.

Call Status:


Error Code

TypeRelated toDescription
ACCEPTEDApplicationCallerStatus for the incoming call as soon it landed on the platform till the flow perform any further action like answer/reject the call.
BLOCKEDApplicationCallerThe call Is rejected as the number is blacklisted at the application.
MISWIGApplicationCallerThis status is associated with the missed call widget in the IVR flow where the caller gets 2 ring and the call is disconnected.
OFF-HOURApplicationCallerIncoming call status related to calls landed on the platform during non-working hours i.e holiday or after office hours.
ANSWERPlatformCaller/CalleeThe call is answered for the incoming calls.
A successful dial & callee had answered the call.
ANSWERED-AApplicationCallerThe call is been disconnected by the caller after connecting with the callee.
FORWARDEDApplicationCalleeThe default status for forwarded call till call completion. The same shall be updated by platform status messages on call completion.
ANSWERED-BApplicationCalleeThe call is been disconnected by the callee after connecting with the caller.
BUSYPlatformCalleeBusy signal. The dial command reaches the number but the number is busy or the callee disconnects the call.
CANCELPlatformCalleeThe call is canceled. The dial command reaches its number but the caller hangs up before the callee picks up the call.
CONGESTIONPlatformCalleeCall Congestion. This status is usually a sign that the dialed number is not recognized or reachable by the operator.
NOANSWERPlatformCalleeNo answer by the callee. The dial command reaches the number and the number rings for too long/not attended to.
FAILEDPlatformCalleeDial failed. This status is indicates special failure cases, skipped from CONGESTION status.
NOT ALLOWEDPlatformCalleeSubscriber country or network is not allowed to dial from a given channel.